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Back to Other Local Businesses
Shin's Asian Market (link to Facebook page, this business does not have a stand-alone website; I think the address on the Facebook page is wrong, though - says "1485," but should be "75")
1475 S. Grand Avenue, Pullman, WA 99163Asian grocery store owned by Shin and Michelle - two wonderful, sweet Korean women - with hard-working husbands who keep the store stocked. Emphasis is on East Asian type food, spices, and cooking supplies (i.e. if you are looking for Pakistani, Indian, Middle Eastern, Central Asian type ingredients this would not necessarily be a good first go-to store - although you may get lucky!). My wife (she is Chinese) use to shop here quite regularly during our last "stint" in Pullman between 2015-2018 to pick up authentic spices, sauces, and other ingredients for her Chinese dishes. Great place to buy King Oyster Mushrooms (or at least that was the case circa 2015-2018).
PNW Halal Meats (link to a Facebook page, this business does not have a stand-alone website)
1045 N. Grand Avenue, Pullman, WA 99163
Halal meats and Indian and Middle Eastern groceries
Bawa Smoke Shop (no website found - this link will take you to their Google Map entry)
408 E. Main Street, Pullman, WA 99163
Smoke Shop/Head Shop and Indian/Middle Eastern Grocery Store