Local Guides

IMPORTANT NOTE: This website you are currently viewing is a private individual undertaking of Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises. It is NOT the official government-run City of Pullman website operated by the Pullman Municipal Government.  You can find the official City of Pullman, Washington, USA (.gov) website HERE.

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I am still looking for Pullman-based individuals who would be interested in being volunteer local guides.

The City of Pullman Portal website is seeking local Pullman Residents who would like to volunteer as city guides. The emphasis here is on helping newcomers settle in and visitors find their way around, but even old-time Pullmanites looking to learn something new about their city are welcome to contact the Local Guides. Would you feel comfortable - and enjoy! - pointing newcomers and visitors to Pullman in the right direction? Contact Andreas at admin@apg-enterprises.com to learn more and sign up to be a local guide today!  Local guides are all volunteers who have signed up to be local guides 100% voluntarily.  Other than local fame and glory, local guides do not receive compensation from Andreas of Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises (the webmaster of The City of Pullman Portal) or the individuals, families, or other groups they serve.  To break it down as simply as possible: all local guides are volunteers - they are not paid for their local guide services by anyone.